Brlog je osobni blog posvećen kozmetičkim proizvodima koji nisu testirani na životinjama, koji ne sadrže sastojke životinjskoga porijekla* i koji su primjeri ekološki osviještene proizvodnje i uporabe. U središtu pozornosti široko su dostupni proizvodi pristupačnih cijena koji ne sadrže mineralne derivate, silikone, parabene, isušujuće alkohole, parfeme, SLS, SLES, aluminij, fluor itsl.
Imajte na umu da to što određeni proizvod mojoj koži, kosi, očima, usnama i ukusu, na kraju krajeva, odgovara ili ne odgovara, to ne znači da će Vama niti ikome drugome jednako odgovarati ili ne odgovarati. Dobro razmislite prije nego što odlučite samostalno primijeniti određeni projekt i/ili isprobati određeni proizvod. Budite sigurni da odgovara(ju) Vašim potrebama i mogućnostima. Svaki savjet prihvaćajte promišljeno.
Sva pitanja, prijedloge i kritike slobodno uputite putem komentara ili kliknite ovdje za privatan dijalog.
Želite li ustupiti PR proizvod(e) na recenziranje, molim Vas, vodite računa o mojim temeljnim uvjetima: samo proizvodi koji nisu testirani na životinjama i koji ne sadrže sastojke životinjskoga porijekla* su dobrodošli. Daje se na znanje da je dojam o proizvodu/ima koji se ustupe na recenziranje podložan mome izravnom iskustvu, bilo ono ugodno ili ne.
Hvala na čitanju i na razumijevanju!
* Ne protivim se korištenju meda i sastojaka na bazi meda u kozmetičkim proizvodima, stoga svaki proizvod neće nužno biti prikladan za vegane, no svi će biti prikladni za vegetarijance.
Brlog is a personal blog dedicated to promoting cruelty-free* and eco-friendly beauty products. Focus is on budget-friendly and
widely available beauty products free of mineral derivatives,
silicones, parabens, ˝nasty˝ alcohols, fragrances, SLS, SLES, aluminum,
fluoride, potassium, etc. Don't be surprised to see posts that aren't available in English. Not to
worry, these posts are related to beauty products that are available only in
Croatia and are most often made by
domestic indie manufacturers who (usually) don't offer
delivery outside the country.
bear in mind though that a product or project may serve
my skin, hair, eyes, lips and, after all, taste in one way or another, this need not apply to you nor anyone else. Think twice before taking up a
project or product, see if it fits your own needs and possibilities.
Make sure to take advice with caution.
If you would like to ask a question, propose a suggestion or perhaps share thoughts about the blog, feel free to leave a comment or click here to speak in private.
If you would like to ask a question, propose a suggestion or perhaps share thoughts about the blog, feel free to leave a comment or click here to speak in private.
If you would like me to review a PR product, please keep my requirements in mind - only cruelty-free* products are welcomed. Mind you, products who anyone willingly offers are subject to my experience and upfront opinion, regardless of how pleasant or unpleasant it may be.
Thanks for reading and understanding.
* I don't mind honey and honey derived ingredients in beauty product so not everything is going to be suitable for vegans, but always for vegetarians.
Thanks for reading and understanding.
* I don't mind honey and honey derived ingredients in beauty product so not everything is going to be suitable for vegans, but always for vegetarians.